Training materials for obtaining accurate malaria case GPS coordinates

Please note these are draft materials and we would value feedback on their use in the field. The presentation is also available as a PowerPoint - please contact us on should you prefer that format

Accurate GPS (global positioning system) coordinates of malaria cases is a fundamental need for malaria case investigation and surveillance. However malaria trials may also collect such data. We have therefore included here a suite of training materials developed for the Smart Surveillance for Malaria Elimination (SS4ME) project (which aims to link malaria case notifcation and molecular markers of malaria drug resistance data) in case it is useful to clinical trial investigators. This training is aimed at empowering surveillance case investigators in good and well-informed practice to perform case investigation using GPS devices. It is intended to be carried out in three parts; an initial theoretical part completed in class and a supervised field practical. The third part is for visualisation of the coordinates collected during the field practical, discussion and feedback sharing.



IDDO (2019): Training materials for obtaining accurate malaria case GPS coordinates. Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. (TrainingManual).